Abuja – With the slowing down of COVID-19 vaccine supplies to Africa, the World Health Organization (WHO) is working with countries to optimize their available stocks to provide second doses for those who already received their first shots. In Nigeria’s capital Abuja, WHO is supporting the Federal Capital Territory Primary Health Care Development Board to ensure that all eligible people receive their second doses. The collaboration with the private health institutions and traditional leaders is also to educate people on the importance of the COVID-19 vaccine in stemming pandemic. Nigeria’s capital has the country’s second-highest number of COVID-19 infections after Lagos state.
“Being in-charge of the grassroots, I invited my chiefs, the district heads and the village heads to take the vaccine so that the subjects will know that the vaccine is not harmful. The action is to disabuse the minds of the people who believe the vaccine is harmful as there have been many rumours around the safety of the vaccine. I have taken the first dose, and this has boosted my immunity. I am looking forward to taking the second dose alongside my chiefs,” he says.
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WHO Nigeria
Email: hammanyerok [at] who.int (hammanyerok[at]who[dot]int)
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