Ethiopia launches campaign to immunize 13 million children against polio

Ethiopia launches campaign to immunize 13 million children against polio

560b0cba8b285496d70a30bdd3928e9e_XL.jpgAddis Ababa, 3 October 2013 – Ethiopia on Thursday 3 October launched a campaign to immunize 13 million children under the age of five against polio following the outbreak of the disease in some neghbouring countries.

WHO and partners are supporting the country in carrying the excerice which wil last four days.

WHO Representative in Ethiopia, Dr Pierre Mpele, witnessed the flag off of the campaign in Matahaara town in the Oromia Region in central Ethiopa.

Dr Mpele commended the efforts of the government to kick Polio out of the country and for continuiing to prioritize child health.

A  progress report recently compiled by UNICEF, WHO  and the World Bank shows that child deaths in Ethiopia have reduced by 67% over two decades, thereby making it one of the coutries which have achived MDG4 , that is, the reduction of child mortality by two thirds by 2015.