Dear participants,
Ladies and Gentlemen,
During the last two days, I have witnessed a consensus building on the challenges posed by Avian Influenza and the impending human pandemic. The meeting has provided an opportunity for interaction between colleagues both in human and animal health as well as our partners.
The gains achieved during this meeting will provide a foundation for building partnership which is critical in our success to control not only Influenza but also to respond to other epidemic and priority diseases in our Region. It has also provided a foundation for the countries to develop and finalize their national plans.
My wish is that the involvement of the International partners will continue at different levels and fora as will, individual consultations so that all the countries, sub regions and districts are well prepared to face the threat of pandemic.
It is my pleasure to recognize that all the objectives set out at the beginning of the meeting have been achieved despite the limited time that was given to you. With your great contributions and hard work till very late in the day, a draft regional plan for preparedness and response to Avian Influenza is now available. This has been achieved because of your joint efforts and consensus during the meeting. I will be sharing this plan with our partners.
The other significant outcome of this meeting is the agreed framework for the development and finalization of national plans. Countries should ensure that their national plans include laboratory components for both human and animal aspects.
Recognizing the important role of laboratories in the confirmation of Avian Influenza in animals and humans, we convened a side meeting of laboratory experts to discuss the role and organization of laboratory services as part of the overall pandemic influenza preparedness and response plan.
Allow me ladies and gentlemen to highlight some key issues and orientations for the laboratory services at country and regional level:
• The regional office in collaboration with the countries will continue to develop the regional laboratory network for avian Influenza. Within this network, tasks and responsibilities will be made more clear for each laboratory participating in the network.
• Appropriate communication will be maintained with the countries to ensure that they know the collection procedures and where to send laboratory specimens for confirmation of Avian influenza.
• I do recommend a very close collaboration between public health and veterinary laboratories in order to increase synergy in the laboratory based surveillance for Avian Flu
Dear Delegates, Partners, Ladies and Gentlemen,
I can not conclude my remarks without thanking again all of you for your dedication and contributions during this meeting. I am very grateful for the continued support we receive from our partners and I would like to reassure both partners and Member States that WHO is fully committed to working closely with you for better preparedness and response to Avian Influenza.
May I also request the delegates to convey the recommendations of this meeting to the Hon. Ministers of Health and Animal Services and all the partners in the respective countries in order to create full awareness on the threat of Pandemic Influenza.
Finally, I wish all of you a safe journey back home and continued sharing of information on Avian Influenza.
With these few words, I now declare this Regional Meeting on Pandemic Influenza Preparedness and Response officially closed and I thank you.