
Country Disease Outlook

Country Disease Outlook

These country disease status reports provide a succinct overview of disease profiles across countries in the WHO African region. The focus is on the status of key indicators for the eradication, elimination and control of communicable and non-communicable at national level, and how these indicators measure up against the SDG 2030 goals.

The spotlight is on major communicable diseases such as malaria, HIV and TB, and neglected tropical diseases; the most important non-communicable diseases such as cardiovascular diseases, cancer, dia- betes and chronic respiratory diseases; and the immunization status of various antigens and outbreaks of vaccine-preventable diseases, if any. Childhood mortality is presented for each country as a key indicator of overall health status.

While enormous progress has been made in many areas of disease eradication, elimination and control in the WHO African region, there are few SDG indicators that have been met in full. The COVID-19 pande- mic is at least partly responsible for this, but we must not ignore that fact that in some cases, momen- tum was already slowing.