COVID-19 vaccination in the WHO African Region - 14 July 2022
This bulletin is published on 30 June 2022, the date set for all countries to achieve 70% of people fully vaccinated per the WHO Strategy to Achieve Global COVID-19 Vaccination by mid-2022. In the African Region, only two countries have achieved this target: Seychelles and Mauritius. Both are island nations with small populations (1.3 million for Mauritius; 98 thousand for Seychelles) and the only two high-income countries in Africa. Both started vaccinating against COVID-19 in January 2021, ahead of most other African countries. Eight countries have fully vaccinated between 40% and 70% of their population: Lesotho (40.5%), Sao Tome and Principe (44.4%), Mozambique (41.9%), Comoros (41.6%), Liberia (46.0%), Cabo Verde (55.3%), Botswana (64.3%) and Rwanda (66.8%). Nine countries are yet to surpass 10% of people fully vaccinated (Burundi, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Cameroon, Madagascar, Malawi, Mali, Senegal, Burkina Faso and the United Republic of Tanzania).