Report of the first meeting of the Technical Advisory Group on NCD-related Research and Innovation
The World Health Organization (WHO), through its global programme on noncommunicable diseases (NCDs), leads and guides the global effort on surveillance, prevention, and control of NCDs to reduce the avoidable burden of morbidity, mortality and disability attributed to these conditions.
One of WHO’s major functions is the responsibility to shape the NCD research and innovation agenda and stimulate the generation, translation, and dissemination of knowledge. Other functions that are related to development and advancement of the research agenda are working with WHO regional and country offices, building sustainable capacity, and monitoring, evaluating, and reporting on the status of the NCD epidemic and progress in attaining the voluntary global NCD targets and the Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) target 3.4 on NCDs. Each of these has a research component that should be an explicit part of the NCD research agenda supported by WHO.