

Situation report | Yellow fever outbreak in Angola, 14 March 2016

A yellow fever outbreak was detected in Angola late in December 2015 and confirmed by the Regional Reference Laboratory, Institut Pasteur Dakar (IPD) on 20 January 2016. Subsequently, a rapid increase in the number of suspected cases was observed since mid-January 2016. Since 20 January 2016, imported cases were detected in Huam-bo province, Huila, Benguela, Cuanza Sul, Cunene, Bie and Zaire. As all these cases were imported from Luanda, the epidemiological curve shows a similar trend as that for Luanda province. Beginning 02 February 2016, a response vaccination campaign started in Viana district, this initial campaign reached 80% of the targetted population 12 days after its beginning. The campaign has progressively continued in Belas, Cazenga and Cacuaco districts. Currently vaccination is ongoing in Kilama Kiaxi and Mianga districts and will continue in the remaining 6 districts of the province in the following days. Up to date, administrative data indicates a vaccination coverage of 80% for the whole prov-ince of Luanda. There have been many constraints in the implementation of the campaign, these included availabil-ity of vaccines, inadequate number of vaccination teams and limited funds to cover operational activities.