
WHO Country Cooperation Strategy 2017-2021

WHO Country Cooperation Strategy 2017-2021

The attainment of the highest possible standard of health for all remains the major commitment of the WHO. This third generation of the WHO Country Cooperation Strategy (CCS) for Zambia will cover the years 2017-2021. It articulates WHO’s role and renewed commitment to collaborating with the Government of the Republic of Zambia for the next five years. It takes into consideration agreed international and regional development goals, including those in the United Nations Millennium Declaration, World Health Assembly resolutions, African Union (AU) and SADC Health Strategy and WHO Africa Regional Committee resolutions and recommendations. The strategic frameworks which also inform the direction of WHO’s strategic agenda at national level are: Zambia Vision 2030, the Seventh National Development Plan 2017-2021 and the Ministry of Health National Health Strategic Plan 2017-2021. It is also anchored on the Transformation Agenda of the World Health Organization Secretariat in the African Region, WHO’s 12th General Programme of Work 2014-19 and the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals Partnership Framework (UNSDGPF) 2016-2021. This Country Cooperation Strategy (CCS) also crystallizes the major reform agenda adopted by the World Health Assembly with a view to strengthen WHO's capacity and to make its deliverables more responsive to country needs. It reflects the WHO Twelfth General Programme of Work and at country level, it aims at achieving greater relevance of WHO’s technical cooperation with the Government  of the Republic of Zambia by focusing on priorities and efficiency measures in the implementation of the WHO Programme Budget.