Speak up for life
Here’s how to help someone
who may be considering suicide
Talk to them about it and listen. If someone you know is showing signs that they are considering suicide, it is okay to talk to them about it. This may seem daunting at first, but it’s a key step to helping them get better. Asking someone if they are thinking about suicide does not make them act on their feelings. In fact, it often reduces anxiety and helps people feel understood. Be sure to listen with an open mind. Do not be judgemental. Be kind, be Patient.
Encourage and offer to accompany them to seek help from a health worker immediately. It is important that a person considering suicide get professional help from a qualified healthcare practitioner. If they are in immediate danger or harming themselves, make sure they are taken to a health unit where they can be admitted immediately: suicide is a medical emergency.
Check in with them regularly. Many people who are considering suicide experience feelings of loneliness and isolation. Someone who has attempted suicide may also be embarrassed and self-isolate. Let them know that you are there for them and that you love them.