South Sudan News

WHO and the Carter Center supports the cash reward programme for reporting of Guinea...

5 September 2017, Tonj State, South Sudan– the Ministry of Health, with support from the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Carter Center has launched the Cash Reward programme for reporting of Guinea Worm Disease in Tonj State on 3 August 2017.   
As one of the neglected tropical diseases, Guinea Worm disease which had been known for centuries will be the first parasitological disease to be eradicated in the world. 

South Sudan’s malaria toll highlights disease burden in war-torn nation

Malaria infections are on the rise in South Sudan, with more than 1.3 million people infected in 2017, and thousands others sick with measles and cholera

Juba, 6 September 2017 – South Sudan’s disease burden is rising rapidly in the midst of a protracted conflict that is causing widespread displacement and a major food crisis.

The Government of Japan and the World Health Organization support the Ministry of He...

Juba, 28 August 2017 – The Ministry of Health with support from the Government of Japan and the World Health Organization has expanded safe blood transfusion services to Wau, former Western Bahr el Ghazal State. The rollout of the Blood Transfusion services to regional level is a fundamental contribution towards building the capacity of the region to provide and increase access to safe blood supply.

WHO South Sudan Country Office undertakes a functional review 24-29 August, 2017

The functional review exercise for WHO South Sudan Country office successfully commenced on 24 August, 2017. This six-day exercise is part of the WHO transformation agenda (2015-2020), which the WHO Africa Region has embarked on for all the 47 WHO Country Offices in the Region. South Sudan WHO country office is the 5th to be reviewed among the 18 countries scheduled for this year.

Oral Cholera Vaccination campaign to combat cholera in South Sudan concludes despite...

The first round of an Oral Cholera Vaccination (OCV) campaign in four priority counties of South Sudan with active transmission of cholera, has successfully concluded despite security and access challenges in some areas. The vaccination campaign started on the 29 July, 2017 to 4 August, 2017 in the Kapoeta state including Kapoeta South, Kapoeta North, and Kapoeta East while in Tonj East the campaign started on 5 August, 2017 and ended on 12 August, 2017.

WHO supports a Multi-sectorial call for ‘Non-Communicable Diseases Action’ in South ...

31 July 2017, Juba South Sudan - The World Health Organization in collaboration with the Ministry of Health recently convened the first high level multi-sectorial Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs) meeting for South Sudan attended by about 65 senior representatives from line government ministries, Civil Society, Non-governmental Organizations, academia, UN organizations and the private sector. An urgent ’Call for Action on NCDs Prevention and Control’ was endorsed in Juba, South Sudan by those representatives attending this meeting.

WHO in collaboration with partners strengthens Expanded Program on Immunization (EPI...

Despite the ongoing crisis in the country, the World Health Organization (WHO) continues to support the Ministry of Health of South Sudan and implementing partners to deliver immunization services and conduct disease surveillance activities across the country. Routine immunization and disease surveillance are key health interventions highly affected by the ever changing country context as they demand more logistics and human resource.

WHO provides lifesaving treatment for severely malnourished children with medical co...

To respond to the grave food security and address the alarming nutritional emergency in children, WHO has intensified its response focusing on inpatient therapeutic nutrition programs, through the distribution of essential medicines. In June 2017, WHO distributed 50 sever acute malnutrition (SAM) kits, to treat over 2 500 children suffering from SAM with medical complications. The SAM kits were dispatched to 13 hospitals, 25 primary health care centers and 2 health facillities in the Protection of Civilians (PoCs) supporting Inpatient Therapeutic Programs (ITP) in the Greater Equatoria Regions, Northern Bahr el Ghazal, Unity, Upper Nile and Jonglei and Counties with high prevalence of Global Acute Malnutrition (GAM) to provide sustainable lifesaving interventions.

WHO scales up cholera response with 500 000 doses of oral cholera vaccine for vaccin...

Juba, South Sudan, 19 July 2017: The World Health Organization (WHO) received 500 000 doses of oral cholera vaccine (OCV) on 17 July 2017. WHO is working with the Republic of South Sudan’s Ministry of Health and partners to scale up cholera vaccination campaign from 28 July to 3 August 2017. 

Cumulatively, a total of 17 785 cholera cases including 320 (CFR 1.8%) deaths have been reported from 24 counties in South Sudan since the outbreak in June 2106.