South Sudan News

Action needed to prevent a new epidemic of sleeping sickness in South Sudan

6 June 2012 – Human African trypanosomiasis, also known as sleeping sickness, is currently on the rise in South Sudan. The disease is transmitted by tsetse fly and is 100% fatal without treatment. It is endemic in Greater Equatoria State. 

A person recently-affected by the disease may not feel any symptoms for months or may present with symptoms that mimic other common diseases such as malaria. 

WHO maternity wing project in Bor hospital nears completion

31 October 2012, South Sudan – The construction of the new maternity wing in Bor hospital being undertaken by the World Health Organization and the Ministry of Health of South Sudan, with funding from the Canadian Interagency Development Agency (CIDA) is near completion, says Dr Abdi Aden Mohamed, WHO Representative, South Sudan Office.

South Sudan launches round 4 of polio eradication campaign

My name is Peter John Kisma, I am a polio campaign supervisor. I started doing this work in 2008 in Munuki Payam as a vaccinator. In 2009 I became a team leader and later a Boma supervisor. As a Boma supervisor I monitor the work of my teams at the payam level. When I was a team leader, I monitored and ensured that the teams assigned under my supervision were vaccinating all children in the Boma where we were allocated.

Improving maternal health in Jonglei State: new maternity ward established, 7 Februa...

7 February 2013 – Nine months after starting work in Bor State hospital, WHO has handed over a fully-equipped maternity ward to Jonglei State health authorities. The new ward, built by WHO with funds from the Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA), is a 40-bed health facility with modern maternity equipment. The ward comprises two operating theatres, a labour suite, procedure room, emergency room, neonatal unit and eight cubicles each with four beds.

WHO supports malaria control efforts in South Sudan, 25 April 2013

25 April 2013 – Every year, countries over the world commemorate World Malaria Day. South Sudan joined the rest of world to commemorate and renew its commitments to ensuring a malaria-free country by 2016.

To support malaria control efforts in South Sudan, WHO provided the Ministry of Health with 3000 first response malaria rapid tests, 2700 doses of first-line ACTs (artesunate and amodiaquie) drugs, two large outdoor tents, first aid kit with IV fluids and cash worth US$ 5000.

South Sudan declares polio outbreak a national health emergency

30 September, 2013, Juba – The Government of South Sudan has decleared a polio outbreak in the country. This follows three confirmed cases among children – two in Aweil south, Northern Bahr el Ghazal State and another in Ikotos Eastern Equatoria State.

“We consider this a national health emergency,” the Under Secretary of Health said on Monday morning. We are mobilizing from the highest level of government to every community in the country in order to stop this disease.

Measels outbreak in Malakal Upper Nile State of South Sudan

01 October, 2013, Juba – The Ministry of Health, Republic of South Sudan in collaboration with the World Health Organization announce the outbreak of measles in Malakal County, Upper Nile state.

This announcement follows reports of 44 suspected cases of measles reported from Malakal Teaching hospital pediatric ward since August 2013 in which 10 of the 15 samples collected from patients tested positive for the measles (IgM). Those affected are aged between 6 – 18 month of age and continue receiving treatment at Malakal Teaching Hospital.

The WHO Regional Director for Africa in Republic of South Sudan

The WHO Regional Director (RD) for Africa, Dr Luis G Sambo has arrived in South Sudan for an official visit and to orient himself with the health situation in the country. The Regional Director’s visit follows South Sudan shift from the WHO Eastern Mediterranean Region to the WHO African region.

Dr Sambo was received at Juba International Airport by the WHO Head of Country Office, Dr Abdi Aden Mohammed, the Under Secretary, Officer in Charge also the Director General for Planning,

High Level WHO Delegation Visits South Sudan to Welcome the 47th Member State to the...

Juba, 25 October 2013 -- A high level delegation from the World Health Organization (WHO), led by the Regional Director for Africa, Dr Luis G Sambo is visiting South Sudan to assess WHO’s technical cooperation and officially welcome the country as the 47th Member State to the African Region. On arrival, Dr Sambo met with the President of the Republic of South Sudan, H.E. General Salva Kiir Mayardit, in the President’s Office, in the presence of the Honorable Minister of Health, Dr Riek Gai Kok.