WHO Uganda launches the 3rd Country Cooperation Strategy 2016-2020

November 2016 - The Minister of Health Dr. Jane Ruth Aceng officially launched the 3rd World Health Organization (WHO) Country Cooperation Strategy (CCS) noting that it is well aligned with government priorities as outlined in the Health Sector Development Plan (HSDP) 2015/16 - 2019/20 and the Second National Development Plan (NDPII) 2015/16 – 2019/20.

Uganda hosts African Regional Workshop on understanding and tracking the TB epidemic...

Uganda hosted five-day African Region Workshop on understanding and tracking the Tuberculosis (TB) epidemic for policy and programmatic action. The workshop was organized to build capacity of countries to understand and track the TB epidemic using routine surveillance data and the use of findings to inform policy and programmatic action at global, national and subnational levels.

Uganda vaccinates against Meningitis type A in the 39 high-risk districts

Uganda launched a vaccination campaign against Meningococcal Meningitis type A, under the theme “It’s free, safe, and effective” at Lalogi grounds, Omoro district.  The campaign intended to reduce morbidity, mortality and disability due to meningitis was launched by Uganda’s health minister Dr Jane Ruth Aceng in the presence of local and national leaders including the Deputy Speaker of Parliament, Right Hon. Mr. Jacob Oulanya.

Uganda launches the second campaign for universal coverage of long lasting insectici...

Uganda launched the second universal coverage campaign for Long Lasting Insecticidal Nets (LLINs) with the aim of reducing the overall malaria parasite prevalence to below 7% nationally.

The campaign estimated to cost USD 120m, including procurement of LLINs and distribution costs, was launched by the Prime Minister of the Republic of Uganda The Right Honourable Dr Ruhakana Rugunda who represented President Yoweri Museveni at a colourful ceremony held in Apac district, northern Uganda under the theme “Consistent use of LLINs”.

Immunization and child health experts meet to revitalize home-based health records

Kampala, 24th February 2017 - Immunization and Child health experts are meeting in Kampala, Uganda to help revitalize Home-based records in selected African countries with high numbers of unimmunized children. Home-based records capture an individual’s vaccination status in a simple way and assist health workers to identify poor performing families and community for improved coverage with the necessary services.

Parliament of Uganda pledges support towards tackling Malaria in Uganda

Members of the Parliamentary forum on Malaria and those from the Health Committee of the Parliament agreed to support the ongoing Long Lasting Insecticide Treated Net (LLIN) campaign through increased advocacy and sensitization of the masses.  In addition, they agreed to follow up discussions on tax waivers on medical devices such as  malaria rapid diagnostic tests, lobbying for increased financial resources for health and enforcing accountability in parliament.