WHO delivers essential medical supplies to combat substance abuse in Liberia

WHO delivers essential medical supplies to combat substance abuse in Liberia

The World Health Organization (WHO) has taken a significant step towards addressing the growing issue of substance abuse in Liberia by donating essential medical supplies to the Ministry of Health (MOH). This timely intervention, supported by the United Nations Peacebuilding Fund, will empower healthcare providers to effectively treat and rehabilitate at-risk youth suffering from substance-use disorders (SUDs).

A National Survey conducted by MOH in 2021 shows that essential treatment services and essential medications used for detoxification, withdrawal management and management of opioid overdose were not available at the 81 facilities that were offering services for People with Substance Use Disorders (PSUDs). This huge gap poses a serious challenge to the service delivery of a standardized evidence-based treatment for PSUDs. 

“This donation underscores WHO’s commitment to supporting Liberia in its efforts to combat substance abuse,” said Dr Clement Peter, WHO Representative to Liberia. “By providing these critical medical supplies, we aim to improve the mental health and wellbeing of those who have fallen victims to substance abuse through access to quality treatment and care. This is a long-term fight, and we hope to offer a path to recovery through this partnership,” he added.

The donated supplies include a range of essential medications necessary for detoxification, withdrawal management, and ongoing therapy. These resources will be distributed to healthcare facilities in Montserrado and Grand Bassa, ensuring that more at-risk youth receive the help they need.

“We are grateful to WHO for their continuous support,” said Martha C. Morris, Deputy Minister for Administration at MOH. “Addressing the needs of at-risk youth is a top priority for the President of the Republic. We assure you that these medications will be used to improve the lives of young people, who are the future of this country, and we look forward to continued collaboration to build a healthier future for Liberia,” she added.

WHO remains dedicated to working closely with the Ministry of Health and other partners to address the complex challenges posed by drug abuse. This initiative aligns with national efforts to prioritize the health needs of At Risk Youth and to promote mental health and wellbeing for all, as stated in the National Mental Health Policy and Strategy and other key national strategies. 

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Pour plus d'informations ou pour demander des interviews, veuillez contacter :
Belyse Inamahoro
Communication Officer
WHO Liberia 
Email: inamahorobmutizwan [at] who.int (@who.int)