17th International Conference on HIV and STIs in Africa, Cape Town, 7-11 December 2013

17th International Conference on HIV and STIs in Africa, Cape Town, 7-11 December 2013

"The ICASA conference remains one of the most important events in the calendar of the year, contributing towards overcoming the HIV and TB epidemics that grip our region. Sub-Saharan Africa remains the most affected region with over 22 Million people living with HIV and AIDS and the highest Tuberculosis rates world-wide. Through scientific advancements in the diagnosis, monitoring and treatment of HIV significant progress has been made to reduce the mortality and morbidity of AIDS. Prevention efforts have been accelerated by the progress in biomedical interventions to reduce HIV transmission”.   The World Health Organization Working Group on ICASA 2013 is currently:

Represented, attending and participating in the ICASA 2013 steering committee’s work
Developing proposals for WHO support for the organization of the Conference, including the pre-Conference preparations and Sessions during the Conference;
Proposing WHO-organized events during the Conference, including satellite meetings and capacity building of WHO Staff
Developing criteria for the participation of WHO/AFRO staff, and
Making recommendations on any other matters that will enhance WHO’s participation and visibility in the Conference

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