Uganda deploys the National Emergency Medical Team to support Ebola response

Uganda deploys the National Emergency Medical Team to support Ebola response

Uganda trains Community Health workers from Kole, Mukono and Wakiso districts on community-based approach to Ebola

Uganda trains Community Health workers from Kole, Mukono and Wakiso districts on community-based approach to Ebola

Dr Annet Kisakye receives her award

Dr Annet Kisakye Honoured for Transformative Work in Immunization

WHO Uganda Recognized for Excellence at the 2024 Heroes in Health Awards

WHO Uganda Recognized for Excellence at the 2024 Heroes in Health Awards

A WHO-led assessment to monitor the implementation of the national guidelines on IPC scored three of the five regional hospitals at Intermediate Level.

Safety of patients and healthcare professionals at heart of second national Infection Prevention and Control action plan

AVoHC-SURGE training

Uganda Strengthens Emergency Response with AVoHC-SURGE Training

Launch of the Health Workforce Labour Market Analysis

Health experts discuss work force investments and optimization in Uganda

Sœur Marie Blanche Kambiré, au service des enfants 

Sister Marie Blanche Kambire: serving the most vulnerable

Hon. Dr Kalumbi Shangula, Minister of Health and Social Services and Dr. Joseph Waogodo Cabore Director for Programme Management at the WHO Regional Office for Africa

World Health Organization launched the Africa Health Workforce Investment Charter in Namibia