Panel discussion with Dr Jackson Kioko DMS, Dr Waqo Ejersa, head, malaria programme and Dr Kevin De Cock, CDC country director, during the malaria vaccine pilot launch in April

Planning and roll out for first malaria vaccine implementation in Kenya underway

Diane  Irakoze a écouté avec attention les conseils pour bien utiliser sa moustiquaire

Campagne nationale de distribution de moustiquaires imprégnées : un engouement certain


WHO and partners take on malaria: the top killer in north-eastern Nigeria

Families collecting their bed nets at a distribution point in Ngiehun Village in Kenema District, Eastern Sierra Leone

Photo story: Looking back on Sierra Leone’s biggest ever bed net campaign

Direction de la Communication/Manuel Vitali

Monaco et l’OMS aux côtés des pays du Sahel pour éliminer le paludisme

One of the external reviewers from IST Mr Anderson Chinorumba delivering findings of the review during a meeting at Happy Valley Hotel.

Malaria elimination by 2020 is possible in Swaziland

Huge bed net campaign kicks off in Sierra Leone

Huge bed net campaign kicks off in Sierra Leone

Professor Adewole speaking during 2017 WMD

Minister of Health Canvasses All-Inclusive Involvement In The Fight Against Malaria


Parliament of Uganda pledges support towards tackling Malaria in Uganda