Featured news

Dr Samson Paul Baba making an opening remarks during the ToT

WHO and Ministry of Health train more healthcare workers on management of Severe Acute Malnutrition

Temperature screening at Mpondwe border point

Uganda’s groundwork in preparedness bodes well for stopping Ebola’s spread within its borders


Noma-Nigerian government and partners mobilize to fight the disfiguring disease

Dr. Ramses Kalumbi discusses with the family of a suspected case

Winning the hearts of communities fearful of Ebola

Group photograph of all participants during the VfM training in Transcorp Hilton Abuja

Nigeria hosts over 44 countries in first Regional value for money trainers’ workshop

Campagne de vaccination contre la polio en République centrafricaine

Eradication de la polio en République centrafricaine : une étape décisive

 Dr Djamila Cabral, WHO Representative in Mozambique

As post-cyclone resettlement begins, 200 000 people lack access to health services in Mozambique