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Press Conference, Dr Jeannine Condo, DG RBC(left) & Dr Gatare Swaibu, DM NCBT

Rwanda is the second African country to host World Blood Donor Day

Hon. Pravind Kumar Jugnauth, Prime Minister of the Republic of Mauritius presenting the National Budget 2019-2020

New Budgetary Measures to improve the health and well-being of the population

Surveillance for ebola virus disease at the border between DR Congo and Uganda | Photo: Matt Taylor

Confirmation of case of ebola virus disease in Uganda

Ebola vaccination in Vighole, 31 May 2019

Local leaders help turn the tide on Ebola

The mOPV2 vials in the two sacs before entering into the incinerator

Ethiopia destroyed the mOPV2 vials used for the first phase cVDPV response

Lat batch of health workers being trained on the use of te electronic application

Sierra Leone leads the way in Africa with fully functional electronic disease surveillance system