Featured news

WHO scales up new front against Ebola in the Democratic Republic of Congo, near the border with Uganda

WHO scales up new front against Ebola in the Democratic Republic of Congo, near the border with Uganda

Participants at the health facility workers training  in Anambra State

WHO empowers over 800 health care workers in Anambra on integrated disease surveillance

Dr Moeti leads WHO AFR delegation to the 73rd session of the UN General Assembly

Dr Moeti leads WHO AFR delegation to the 73rd session of the UN General Assembly

Joint Polio campaign Launch at Garisa, Kenya on Sept 14 2018

Countries from IGAD team up to end polio: The three Ministers of Health jointly launch to vaccinate about six million under five children.

Dr L. Musango stating:‘external evaluations should be regarded as an integral part of a continuous process of strengthening capacities for the implementation of the IHR.'

Workshop on Joint External Evaluation (JEE) of International Health Regulation (IHR) Core Capacities in Mauritius from 18-20th September 2018

WHO and MoH staff checking on the Ebola Cold Chain Freezers that were delivered

Uganda Prepares to Vaccinate against Ebola in Case the Virus Strikes the Country