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Governor Okorocha (right) receiving Dr Alemu (left) to Imo Government House

Governor restates   WHO’s leadership role in promoting health, urges more presence at grassroots level

Botswana Leads the Way on Fighting Health Threat Endangering Millions of Lives in Africa

Botswana Leads the Way on Fighting Health Threat Endangering Millions of Lives in Africa

Dr Laurent Musango, WHO Representative in Mauritius enquiring about possible solutions to address the issues of ageing population in Mauritius

Tackling the issues of Ageing Population through Global Partnership

The Hon. Minister of Health, Dr. Chitalu Chilufya, (Centre) with the WHO Representative, Dr. Nathan Bakyaita (far left) with one of the RRTs in Solwezi

WHO and CDC support the Ministry of Health to strengthen capacity for detection, investigation and response to Ebola Virus Disease in districts bordering the Democratic Republic of Congo

Lancement du réseau africain des centre anti poison à Alger

Launch of the African Network of Poison Control Centres in Algiers

Members of the public at the Garissa venue for Horn of Africa polio launch

Horn of Africa countries in a communique to speed up polio eradication

The facilitator making a presentation on HIV Care Cascades - how can cascade analysis lead to program improvements

With WHO’s support, South Sudan strengthens HIV treatment cascade to improve interventions and achieve the national 90-90-90 targets

Theoretical session on case management of HAT

WHO steps up efforts to accelerates the elimination of human African trypanosomiasis (HAT) in South Sudan