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African Health Ministers commit to ending cholera outbreaks by 2030

African Health Ministers commit to ending cholera outbreaks by 2030

Group picture of participants of the Regional Committee

President Macky Sall of Senegal urges African leaders to prioritise investment in health: Regional Committee for Africa gets underway in Dakar, Senegal

Kenyan health workers in a march to create awareness about the need to immunize children against polio

Kenya in determined effort to keep polio virus at bay

Participants of the health walk

Hundreds take part in Health walk to commemorate WHO’s 70th anniversary

US Ambassador Ms Deborah R. Malac shares her experience from the visit to Uganda-DRC border, surrounding her are the members of the Diplomatic Corps, the Minister of Health and the WHO Representative

Uganda heightens Ebola preparedness response

Bekele NIS meeting

Seychelles sets course to establish a Nutrition Information System