Featured news

Mass drug administration team in an internally displaced persons (IDPs) camp during an SMC campaign

Adamawa launches first ever Malaria chemoprevention campaign

The National Polio Lab in Maiduguri

Nigeria’s Polio laboratories pass another round of accreditation exercise 

African Health Ministers Endorse Five-Year Plan to Improve Access to Medicines

Participants validating the essential medicines list

South Sudan revises its 2007 Essential Medicines List to improve standards and access to Essential Medicines within the health care system

Honorable Minister of Health Dr Peter Kumpalume, MP speaking to participants at the opening ceremony of the TOT cervical cancer capacity building workshop

Stopping Cervical Cancer and other NonCommunicable Diseases in Africa

WHO report finds poor delivery of services threatens gains made in health in Africa

WHO report finds poor delivery of services threatens gains made in health in Africa

WHO and Mercy Ships sign collaborative agreement to strengthen surgical care in Africa

WHO and Mercy Ships sign collaborative agreement to strengthen surgical care in Africa

African Health Ministers commit to ending cholera outbreaks by 2030

African Health Ministers commit to ending cholera outbreaks by 2030