Featured news

WHO Country Representative administering OCV in an IDP camp of Borno state in 2017

Adamawa state gets over 700,000 doses of oral cholera vaccines for emergency vaccination

Dr Kaluwa presenting a citation to one of the blood donation organizations

Be There for Someone Else. Give Blood. Share Life- World Blood Donor Day Celebrations in Ghana

Dr Otim presenting the South Sudan risk profile

WHO supports the Ministry of Health to enhance emergency preparedness and risk management in South Sudan

A little black box for detecting and tracking outbreaks

A little black box for detecting and tracking outbreaks

ICD-11: Classifying disease to map the way we live and die

ICD-11: Classifying disease to map the way we live and die

(L-R) Professor Rose Leke (Chair of ARCC), Dr. Pascal Mkanda

Polio Eradication-Regional Certification Commission concludes meeting with far-reaching recommendations for countries

On the hunt for Ebola in the Democratic Republic of Congo

On the hunt for Ebola in the Democratic Republic of Congo