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Communication Strategy for National Health Insurance

Comparison of Private Hospital Prices in SADC countries with Hospital Prices in OECD Countries

Hon. Minister of Health, Mrs Amina Nurhussien and a section of the participant

Eritrea: 2017 World AIDS Day Commemoration

Practical training sessions going on

Training on Malaria Elimination Surveillance

WHE Emergency Manager, Dr. Collins Owili vaccinates a child against cholera during the flagoff ceremong of the OCV campaign in Borno state. Credits: WHO CE.Onuekwe

WHO helps Nigeria control cholera in Borno state

The Director of Public Health, Dr Badu Sarkordie  and  WHO Representative for Ghana, Dr Owen Kaluwa, co-chaired a coordination meeting of partners on responding to the influenza A (H1N1) in Kumasi, Ghana. Credit WHO Ghana.

WHO supports response to influenza A (H1N1) pdm09 outbreak in Ghana’s Ashanti Region

Group photograph of Participants at the AVAREF Meeting

African governments must invest in research and development of new medicines