Featured news

Advocates Spoke up for Children on the First Ever Ministerial Conference on Immunization in Africa

Ethiopia in preparation for Measles vaccination campaign to benefit 505 Woredas of High Risk Regions

Members of the public at the launch of World TB Day commemoration at Chifubu grounds in Ndola

Zambia commemorates World Tuberculosis Day under the theme "Unite to End TB"

Children during Meningitis C vaccination in Gambella

Ethiopian Ministry of Health Responded Successfully to Meningitis-type C Outbreak in Gambella Refugee Camp


WHO Malawi commemorates 2016 World TB Day: “UNITE TO END TB”

DPC making a statement during World TB Day

The Gambia Commemorates World Tuberculosis Day 2016


Dr Sambo pleads: “Let’s Join Forces to Stop TB in our Lifetime”

Adamawa State Deputy Governor reading the TOR at the inaugural meeting of the TFI

Stakeholders in the North East leverage on improved accessibility to provide integrated health services.