Featured news

Sustaining efforts to end river blindness disease in Congo

Sustaining efforts to end river blindness disease in Congo

WHO Angola Participates in High-Level Cholera Response Mission in Bengo

WHO Angola Participates in High-Level Cholera Response Mission in Bengo

WHO Strengthens Marburg Response and Cross-Border Collaboration in Tanzania

WHO Strengthens Marburg Response and Cross-Border Collaboration in Tanzania

With support from WHO and partners, South Sudan secured over 4.1 million doses of oral cholera vaccine (OCV) to protect the communities in 15 counties

With support from WHO and partners, South Sudan secured over 4.1 million doses of oral cholera vaccine (OCV) to protect the communities in 15 counties

Scaling up mpox outbreak response in Sierra Leone

Scaling up mpox outbreak response in Sierra Leone


How WHO is streamlining procurement and supply efforts to Combat the Marburg Outbreak in Tanzania

Uganda discharges all eight Ebola disease patients

Uganda discharges all eight Ebola disease patients