
Marie-Claire Therese is a health promotion expert, who came out of retirement to fight Ebola in the current outbreak in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. This is the 9th outbreak that she has responded to.
It was a happy day at the @MSF #Ebola treatment center in Bikoro, #DRC last week: Joseph, Marie-Noel and Vincent are going home after recovering from the disease.
In early July, more than 197,000 children aged between 6 months and 15 years were vaccinated against measles in a targeted immunization campaign in Koinadugu district in northern Sierra Leone. Reaching some of the country’s most remote areas, the campaign was conducted by the Ministry of Health and…
Interviews: 01. "La lutte est mondiale" Dr Martha Ghyansa-Lutterodt Directrice des Services Pharmaceutiques - Ghana 02. RAM & Systèmes de Santé Dr Frode Forland Chef du Programme Santé Mondiale Institut de Santé Publique - Norvège
The Ebola vaccine is a new tool that gives new hope to stop Ebola more quickly.
Women's health is recognized as a human rights issue and should be promoted and defended as such. Women in Africa represent slightly over 50% of the continent's human resources and so women's health has huge implications for the Region's development. Focusing in particular on the unacceptably high…