Le Ministre de la Santé publique et de la Lutte contre le SIDA, Son Excellence le Dr. Thaddée NDIKUMANA, en compagnie de Son Excellence Dr. Wolfram VETTER, Ambassadeur de l’Union Européenne au Burundi et du Dr. Walter KAZADI MULOMBO, Représentant de l’OMS, a procédé au lancement officiel du…
En vue de prévenir l’apparition d’une nouvelle épidémie de peste meurtrière à Madagascar, des actions précoces de prévention ont été menées par le Système des Nations Unies, en appui au Gouvernement de Madagascar.
Working with social mobilizers from the Apostolic churches ensured that the members who traditionally shunned vaccination received the 2 doses and got protection for 3 - 5 years.
Social Mobilization in the run up to the OCV2 campaign in the targeted suburbs in Harare
Zimbabwe's OCV 2 campaign video showing the process in the targeted suburbs of Harare
In response to a cholera outbreak, Zimbabwe administered the Oral Cholera Vaccine in targeted high burden suburbs in Harare and Chitungwiza. Phase 2 of the campaign was documented and below are some of the videos taken in the field.
South Sudan Neglected Tropical Diseases Mapping Exercise
Comprehensive Emergency Obstetric and New born Care Services in South Sudan
WHO and partners are providing lifesaving health care services in South Sudan to reduce excess illnesses and deaths due to common communicable diseases.
She’s been living with #HIV for more than 20 years in #Senegal and, despite all the progress, this HIV advocate says stigma remains high and calls for “concrete action.”