
Responding to the challenge of drug use among women in Nigeria

Abuja, 9 December 2019 - “I used to be a full-time patient at this facility,” says Michelle Eze, a drug abuse survivor, as she signs her name in the register for a check-up with her psychiatrist at Karu General Hospital in Abuja, Nigeria’s Federal Capital Territory(FCT). 

Sierra Leone Adapts new WHO guidelines for improved disease surveillance for the Afr...

Sierra Leone has adapted the third edition of the Integrated Disease Surveillance and Response (IDSR) technical guidelines 2019. The new guidelines were released by the World Health Organization (WHO) Regional Office for Africa in August this year to incorporate recent recommendations by expert panels on strengthening the International Health Regulations (IHR 2005) and global health security. Adaptation of the guidelines is a way of aligning Sierra Leone’s public health security needs and priorities with current technologies, information, tools and materials taking into consideration new trends and developments such as evidence on important diseases, conditions and events in the world.

Benin hosts the first annual review and planning meeting of the initiative for acces...

L’hôtel Azalai de la capitale économique a servi de cadre à la cérémonie d’ouverture officielle de cette importante réunion réunissant une centaine de participants/tes venus de onze (11) pays situés au sud du Sahara. Il s’agit de la Tanzanie, de la Sierra Leone, du Nigeria, du Niger, du Mali, de la Guinée, du Kenya, de la RDC, de l’Afrique du Sud, du Rwanda, du Burkina-Faso et du Bénin. Une cérémonie empreinte de solennité et haute en couleurs a marqué le démarrage des travaux présidée par Dr Pétas AKOGBETO, Directeur de Cabinet du Ministre de la Santé entouré de Dr Triphonie NKURUNZIZA, Conseillère régionale chargée de la Santé Maternelle et Reproductive au Bureau Régional de l’OMS pour l’Afrique et de Madame Mary Lyn Gaffield, spécialiste de la Planification Familiale au Siège de l’OMS à Genève en Suisse.

Polio Eradication: Africa Regional Certification Commission begins verification visi...

Abuja, 07 December 2019 – The Africa Regional Certification Commission (ARCC) for poliomyelitis eradication kicks off, a two-week visit to Nigeria on 09 December 2019, to conduct critical analysis and verify the accuracy of the certification documents prepared by the Nigerian Government. 

The independent commission has already accepted the documentation of 43 African countries as part of the process to certify the African Region free from all types of wild poliovirus, with only Cameroon, Central African Republic, Nigeria, and South Sudan remaining.