
Namibia strengthens tobacco control

The Ministry of Health and Social Services with support from WHO  conducted a five-day tobacco training workshop to strengthen tobacco control measures in the country.   

The workshop that started on 11 September 2023 at Rundu in the Kavango East region also aimed at strengthening participants’ knowledge, skills and competencies through stakeholder engagement. 

The participants included environmental health practitioners from the Ministry of Health and Social Services and town councils, social workers, and  law enforcement agencies. 

WHO Namibia sports team scoops awards at UN Africa games

The United Nations 13th All Africa Games held in Swakopmund, Namibia on 22-23 September 2023 brought together competitive athletes and sport fanatics from across 10 African countries  for a thrilling display of talent, sportsmanship, and unity. This remarkable two-days event showcased the power of sports in fostering international cooperation and celebrating the rich diversity of African cultures. 

Enhancing polio vaccination campaign quality in Madagascar

Antananarivo – Quality assurance surveyor Anja Mandimbisoa arrives at a random lot numerically selected, throws her pen in the air, and whichever house it is pointing at when it lands is the next on her evaluation list. With their consent, she then sits down with the family to verify whether the children in the household have the mark on their little fingers confirming they have been vaccinated against polio.

Malawi convenes Cholera outbreak review

On August 16, 2023, the Ministry of Health declared Malawi’s biggest Cholera outbreak in history as a no longer a public health emergency. In line with the World Health Organization African guidelines on the aftermath of an outbreak, the Ministry of Health has convened After Action Review AAR meetings at sub-national level to review the Cholera outbreak.