Candidates for the post of WHO Regional Director for Africa - 2025

Candidates for the post of WHO Regional Director for Africa

The names of the candidates for the election of the next Regional Director for World Health Organization African Region were sent by WHO Director-General Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus to the relevant Member States on 14 March 2025.

The candidates are:

Dr N'da Konan
​​​​​​​Michel YAO
Proposed by
​​​​Côte d'Ivoire

Note verbale:

EN | FR | PT

Curriculum vitae:

EN | FR | PT

Dr Dramé Mohammed Lamine,
Proposed by

Note verbale:

EN | FR | PT

Curriculum vitae:

EN | FR | PT

Dr Boureima
Hama Sambo,
Proposed by

Note verbale:

EN | FR | PT

Curriculum vitae:

EN | FR | PT

Pr Janabi Mohamed Yakub,
Proposed by

Note verbale:

EN | FR | PT

Curriculum vitae:

EN | FR | PT

Pr Mijiyawa
Proposed by

Note verbale:

EN | FR | PT

Curriculum vitae:

EN | FR | PT

Click here for more information on the election process and candidates.