World Health Organization Partners with Universidade Agostinho Neto to Strengthen Health Education and Research in Angola

World Health Organization Partners with Universidade Agostinho Neto to Strengthen Health Education and Research in Angola

22nd January 2024 marks a momentous day for health and education in Angola, as the World Health Organization (WHO) and Universidade Agostinho Neto (UAN) signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU). This event headed by the WHO Acting Representative in Angola, Dr. Humphrey Karamagi, and UAN's Rector, Professor Dr. Pedro Magalhães, symbolizes a significant stride in enhancing health education, research, and the strengthening of Angola's health system.

Dr. Karamagi, addressing a high-level audience including Vice-Rectors, Directors, and journalists, emphasized the importance of this partnership in shaping the future of health in Angola. He highlighted WHO's commitment to working closely with academic institutions globally, underscoring the need for dynamic engagement with academia to adapt to evolving knowledge needs in different countries. By joining forces with UAN, known for its excellence in knowledge and innovation in Angola, the collaboration aligns shared goals and aspirations that promise to substantially benefit the Angola's health landscape.

The collaboration with UAN is set to unfold a series of multifaceted activities, with a keen focus on capacity development. In addition, through the partnership, WHO and UAN will organize ad-hoc lectures, leveraging the expertise of WHO professionals. This collaboration also ensures that UAN will provide vital support and information to aid WHO's programs.

As Angola's premier and most influential higher education institution, UAN's rich tradition and its extensive network of faculties and institutes make it a bedrock of knowledge and research in the country. The collaboration will encompass joint efforts in health research, focusing on developing practical solutions and interventions to enhance health outcomes in Angola.

This partnership represents a union of goals and visions with a goal of advancing Angola towards a future where health and education are interwoven, serving the well-being and prosperity of all its citizens.

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Olívio Gambo

Oficial de Comunicação
Escritório da OMS em Angola
gamboo [at] (gamboo[at]who[dot]int)
T: +244 923 61 48 57