Featured news

Mavie Ndama

From fear to fulfilment: a phlebotomist’s first blood donation

Minsa Bakimenze displays Leprosy sore on her hands

Transforming the Life of Leprosy Patients in Uganda

Dr. Richard Banda, WHO Representative to Namibia with the Hon. Dr. Peya Mushelenga, Minister of International Relations and Cooperation

WHO Representative to Namibia officially presented his credentials to the Government

Participants  engaged during a BI training in Namibia

Namibia’s Public Health Professionals Trained on Behavioral Insight

Congo reinforces health emergency preparedness and response

Congo reinforces health emergency preparedness and response

A mother with a child that is going through nutrition therapy in Koboko district

Using Data to Tackle Acute Malnutrition in Uganda

Group picture for the Quality Assurance M&E Framework Workshop

Strengthening Namibia’s Healthcare: A Collaborative Approach to Quality Measurement

WHO Experts with Angolans MPs

WHO Experts Engaged with Angolan Parliamentarians in an Advocacy Session on Major Endemics