
World Health Organization: Three cases of COVID-19 confirmed in Mozambique

Maputo - 24, March 2020 – Mozambique has registered two (2) more cases of coronavirus disease (COVID-19) in the last 24 hours, totaling three (3) cases confirmed in the country, announced the Ministry of Health of Mozambique in Maputo.

The second confirmed case is a close contact to the first patient tested positive in Mozambique, announced on 22 March 2020. 

Update COVID-19 24 March 2020

24 March 2020 — Four (4) new CoVID_19 cases were identified today, bringing the total to forty(40).
•    Two (2) travelers from Dubai 
•    One (1) traveler who arrived from Brussels, Belgium
•    One (1) contact from a previously confirmed positive case, who has been identified through tracing.

All travelers entered isolation between 17-20 March in designated locations, and were tested.

All patients are under treatment in stable condition, isolated from other patients. The tracing of all contacts has been conducted for further management. 

Update COVID-19 23 March 2020

23 March 2020 — Seventeen (17) new CoVID_19 cases were identified today, bringing the total to thirty-six (36).
•    Nine (9) travelers from Dubai, UAE 
•    Three (3) travelers from Kenya. 
•    Two (2) travelers from USA. 
•    One (1) traveler from Qatar.
•    One (1) traveler from India.
•    One (1) contact from a previously confirmed positive case, identified through tracing.  

Update COVID_19 19 March 2020

19 March 2020 — No new coronavirus cases were identified today. The confirmed total remains to eleven (11). 

All confirmed coronavirus patients remain under treatment in stable condition, isolated from other patients. The tracing of all contacts has been conducted for further management. 

Update COVID_19 17 March 2020

17 March 2020 — One( 1) additional coronavirus case was identified through positive tests today, bringing the confirmed total to seven (8). 
• A Burundian, 35, who arrived in Rwanda on 15 March 2020 from Dubai. UAE, in transit to Bujumbura, Burundi, was detected by airport medical screening personnel based on symptoms, and he was then tested.

All confirmed coronavirus patients remain under treatment in stable condition, isolated from other patients. The tracing of all contacts has been conducted for further management. 

Update on COVID-19 22 March 2020

22 March 2020---Two (2) new coronavirus cases were identified today, bringing the total to nineteen (19).
• A Rwandan man, 32, who arrived from Dubai, UAE, on 19 March 2020.
• A Rwandan man, 34, who arrived from Dubai, UAE, on 20 March 2020.

All patients remain under treatment in stable condition, isolated from other patients. The tracing of all contacts has been conducted for further management.

Update COVID_19 15 March 2020

15 March 2020--Four additional CoVID_19 cases were identified through positive tests today, bringing the confirmed total to five.
A 34-years-old Rwandan man who arrived from South Sudan on 6 March 2020.
His brother, a 36-years-old Rwandan who arrived from Fiji via USA and Qatar on 8 March 2020.
A 30-years-old Rwandan man in Kigali with no recent travel history.
A 22-years-old man with Ugandan nationality who arrived in Rwanda from London on 15 March 2020.

Update COVID_19 20 March 2020

20 March 2020 — Six (6) new CoVID_19 cases were identified today, bringing the confirmed total to seventeen(17).
•    A French woman, 30, whose domestic partner was previously confirmed positive, along with their son, aged 10 months.
•    A Rwandan man, 32, who arrived from Dubai, UAE, on 19 March 2020. His symptoms were detected by airport screening upon arrival and he was then tested. 
•    A Swedish man,26, who arrived from Sweden on 3 March 2020 and reported symptoms on 18 March 2020.

Update on COVID-19 18 March 2020

18 March 2020---Three (3) additional coronavirus case were identified through a positive test today, bringing the confirmed total to eleven (11).
• An Indian woman, 37, who arrived in Rwanda on 8 March 2020 from Mumbai, India. She is the spouse of a previously confirmed positive case.
• A Rwandan man, 26, without recent travel history.
• A Rwandan man, 45, who arrived on 16 March 2020 from Belgium via Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.