
En RDC, les populations déplacées internes du Tanganyika bénéficient de la vaccinati...

Dans la province du Tanganyika, dans le sud-est de la République démocratique du Congo (RDC), les conflits intercommunautaires et les attaques de groupes armés ont forcé plus de 360 850 personnes, soit environ 10 % de la population, à fuir leurs habitations. Ces personnes déplacées internes sont particulièrement exposées aux maladies à potentiel épidémique, dont la COVID-19.

WHO Ethiopia scales up interventions to respond to gender-based violence in conflict...

World Health Organization (WHO) has donated a field vehicle and an ambulance to Afar Regional Health Bureau. The ambulance was procured with funding from the United Kingdom’s Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office as part of its support to improving essential health service delivery at war-affected health facilities in northern Ethiopia, with a focus on sexual and reproductive health services, and will be used for reproductive, maternal and child health services at Dupti Hospital, including for survivors of gender-based violence (GBV).

Malawi launches oral cholera vaccination campaign to contain cholera

Malawi today kicked off oral cholera vaccination reactive campaign targeting 2.9 million people aged one year and above. The reactive campaign is aimed at halting the ongoing transmission and control cholera outbreak that has affected all the 29 districts of the country. The campaign will run from 28 November to 2 December in 13 high burden districts.

South Sudan commemorates International One Health Day

With the theme ‘collaboration for a better health outcome’, South Sudan celebrates International One Health Day to create awareness and enhance better understanding of human, animal and environmental health in strengthening collaboration and coordination for health emergency preparedness and response.

Ensuring a policy framework for healthy ageing in Namibia

The Ministry of Health and Social Services with support from WHO held a National Consultation meeting on 15-17 November 2022, on the National Policy on the Rights, Protection and Care of Older Persons in Namibia to review and make recommendation on the draft policy. By 2050, the number and proportion of people aged 60 years and older in the population are estimated to increase from 1 billion (2019) to 2.1 billion globally.  In Africa, this increase is estimated to be 220 million compared to 65 million in 2018.

Ethiopia commemorates World Antimicrobial Awareness Week, launches Sector-Specific P...

Ethiopia is commemorating the 2022 World Antimicrobial Awareness Week (WAAW) through a series of events that are aimed at raising the awareness of health professionals and the community in general on Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR), its hazards, containment and prevention.
The country has also launched Sector Specific Plan on Antimicrobial Resistance prevention and containment which is the first of its kind in the World Health Organization African Region.

Lutte contre la Résistance aux antimicrobiens : une affaire de tous !

Abdallah (nom d’emprunt) est un jeune marocain qui a succombé à une infection à Staphylococcus Aureus Résistant à la Méticilline « SARM », un type de bactérie à gram positif très résistante à plusieurs molécules. Cette infection est survenue après son retour au bercail suite à une opération chirurgicale qu’il a subie en France. Au Maroc où il devait poursuivre sa rééducation, il lui a été diagnostiqué une infection à staphylocoque doré multi résistant donc ne répondant pas à l’arsenal thérapeutique disponible sur le marché.