
WHO Demonstrates strategic commitment by supporting COVID-19 testing and laboratory ...

FREETOWN, 27 August, 2020 – The Ministry of Health and Sanitation in collaboration with the World Health Organization, has awarded certificates of participation to 30 laboratory scientists who were recruited and have undergone training in molecular diagnostics as one of the strategies to scale up COVID-19 testing in Sierra Leone. The 30 scientists are university graduates in basic sciences and were selected, based on competencies, to attend a short intensive theoretical and hands-on training in molecular diagnostics.

Update COVID-19 26 August 2020

26 August 2020 — Eighty-eight (88) new COVID-19 cases were identified out of 5467 samples tested today. This brings the cumulative number of confirmed cases to three thousand, six hundred, and twenty-five (3625). To date, one thousand, eight hundred and ten (1810) patients have recovered and been discharged, including twenty-one (21) in the past 24 hours. The number of active cases is one thousand, and eight hundred (1800) and fifteen (15) deaths. 

The Minister of Health of Ethiopia launches a joint assessment of the Health Sector ...

The Ethiopian Minister of Health, Dr Lia Tadesse, officially launched the Joint Assessment of the National Health Strategy (JANS) for Ethiopia on 21 August 2020 in a virtual launching meeting. The JANS will be conducted by an assessment team comprising independent international experts, including experts from the UN system, the World Bank, and development partners. The JANS team presented its plan of action for the conduct and delivery of the draft assessment report, and received important inputs to guide the JANS.

Update COVID-19 25 August 2020

25 August 2020 — Two hundred and thirty-one (231) new COVID-19 cases were identified out of 6128 samples tested today. This brings the cumulative number of confirmed cases to three thousand, five hundred, and thirty-seven  (3537). To date, one thousand, eight hundred and six (1806) patients have recovered and been discharged, including twenty-one (21) in the past 24 hours. The number of active cases is one thousand, seven hundred and sixteen (1716) and fifteen (15) deaths. The new death is a male Rwandan of 61 years old. 

Push for stronger health systems as Africa battles COVID-19

Health Ministers and representatives from African countries gathered this week for the annual World Health Organization (WHO) Regional Committee for Africa voiced concern over the impact of COVID-19 and stressed that the pandemic was a poignant reminder for countries to bolster health systems.

PRESS RELEASE - WHO and UNICEF congratulate Nigeria on ending wild poliovirus; call ...

Abuja, 25 August 2020 – WHO and UNICEF today congratulated Nigeria on being declared free of the wild poliovirus but stressed that achieving this milestone is not the end of the job - all children under five years must continue to be vaccinated against vaccine-preventable diseases.

This is critical to significantly reduce avoidable mortality in Nigerian children under 5 years old, keep polio permanently out of Nigeria, and ensure better health and well being for future generations.

Africa eradicates wild poliovirus

The independent Africa Regional Certification Commission (ARCC) for Polio Eradication officially declared on Tuesday that the World Health Organization (WHO) African Region is free of wild poliovirus.

Update COVID-19 24 August 2020

24 August 2020 — Two hundred and seventeen (217) new COVID-19 cases were identified out of 3642 samples tested today. This brings the cumulative number of confirmed cases to three thousand, three hundred, and six (3306). To date, one thousand, seven hundred and eighty-five (1785) patients have recovered and been discharged, including thirty (30) in the past 24 hours. The number of active cases is one thousand, five hundred and seven (1507) and fourteen (14) deaths. The new death are two Rwandans of 64 and 70 years old. 

Sierra Leone Celebrates Africa’s landmark achievement against Polio

FREETOWN, 25 August 2020 – Sierra Leone is celebrating a strategic landmark public health achievement in Africa as the continent is certified today by the World Health Organization, to be free of wild poliovirus transmission. The announcement was made at the virtual session of the 70th Regional Committee for Africa, which is the Organization's highest decision-making body on health policy in Africa. The Committee comprises of Ministers of Health from each of the 47 WHO Member States in the Region.