
Malawi receives the UN Interagency Task Force award for instituting strategic steps ...

On 23 September 2019, during the United Nations General Assembly high level meeting the Minister of Health, Mr Jappie Mhango, MP received the United Nations Interagency Task Force award because of the commitment demonstrated by Malawi towards the control and prevention of non-communicable diseases (NCDs).The occasion took place at the United Nations building, conference room number 7 in New York. The Non-Communicable Diseases Synergies and Social change at Harvard Medical School was the one that recommended the nomination of Ministry of Health and Population in Malawi after noting the ministry’s leadership in instituting strategic actions towards prevention and control of NCDs.

Angola conducts review and validation of data on Neglected Tropical Diseases

Luanda, October 9, 2019 - The Angolan Ministry of Health, with technical support from WHO, carried out a data review and validation of five key Neglected Tropical Diseases. namely lymphatic filariasis (LF), onchocerciasis (Onco), schistosomiasis (SCH), geohelminthiasis or soil-borne helminths (HTS) and trachoma

The process will allow the country to identify the magnitude of neglected diseases, monitor ongoing prevention and control efforts, and determine the actions needed to achieve the control and elimination of NTDs in the country.

WHO and Nigerian Government move to curb cardiovascular diseases

Abuja, October 7, 2019 - “My life has not been the same. Had it been I knew how awful it is to have a stroke, I would have been more cautious and protective of my health. I have lost my job and have not been able to secure another one all because I don’t walk and look like I used to. I also get rejected everywhere I show up for an interview”, says Ms. Oninye Iromba, a 34-year-old from Abia state who had stroke at the age of 30. 

WHO Mozambique thanks donors for supporting health access to 1 million people in cyc...

MAPUTO – 8 October 2019 As the health response to cyclones Idai and Kenneth transition into the recovery phase, WHO would like to acknowledge and thank the donors and partners involved in the health response thus far.

“WHO Mozambique is very grateful for the support over the past eight months in response to the level 3 health emergencies this country has been facing,“ said Dr. Djamila Cabral WHO Representative in Mozambique.