
African health ministers commit to end malaria deaths

Ministers of Health from African countries with the highest burden of malaria committed today to accelerated action to end deaths from the disease. They pledged to sustainably and equitably address the threat of malaria in the African region, which accounts for 95% of malaria deaths globally.

Angola Develops Health Information System Strategic Plan

The World Health Organization's most recent assessment of the coverage and functionality of the National Health Information Systems (NHIS) revealed that Angola should focus on improving the availability of information on key development indicators, such as the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) for health, birth registratio

Sierra Leone's Nationwide ITN Distribution Campaign Successfully Launched

Following a successful pilot phase of the insecticide-treated nets (ITN) mass distribution campaign in Bo District in 2023, the Ministry of Health (MoH) of Sierra Leone, with support from WHO and other partners, initiated a nationwide rollout of ITNs in the remaining 15 districts. This campaign aimed to combat malaria and improve health outcomes across the country.