
Imo State Government vaccinates over 3000 missed children in the ‘The Big Catch-Up’ ...

Owerri, 6 June, 2023 - In 2020, approximately 50,000 children below age one in Imo State, South East Nigeria, missed the uptake of the Pentavalent Vaccine due to COVID-19 disruption. 
A single dose of the Pentavalent vaccine is expected to have been taken at the sixth week of age. The Pentavalent vaccine protects a child from 5 life-threatening diseases – Diphtheria, Pertussis, Tetanus, Hepatitis B, and Haemophilus influenzae type b). 

UK  commits £2 million to strengthen health workforce in Nigeria

The World Health Organization welcomes a new funding commitment made by the United Kingdom’s Department of Health and Social Care to support Nigeria in strengthening her health workforce in the vision of achieving Universal Health Coverage

The grant amounting to £2 will cover two years period to support the government of Nigeria to optimize the performance, quality, and impact of the health workforce through evidence-informed policies and strategies.

Empowering adolescents to lead change using health data

World Health Organization (WHO) with support from Botnar Foundation is implementing a project dubbed “Empowering adolescents to lead change using health data” with the aim of generating adolescent health information from students in cities across four low- and middle-income countries, comprising Fez, Morocco; Jaipur, India; Saint Catherine Parish, Jamaica; and Sekondi-Takoradi, Ghana.

WHO donates Ambulances to reduce maternal deaths in Tanzania

Kigoma Region - In rural areas of Kigoma region in Tanzania, access to quality health services for pregnant women are constrained by distance, cost, unreliable diagnostic equipment, and inadequate transportation to referral hospitals. This has led to high numbers of maternal and perinatal deaths during pregnancy. 

The long road to quitting tobacco 

Abuja, 6 June, 2023 - Before 2021, the cautionary advice on cigarette packs in Nigeria was “The Federal Ministry of Health warns that smokers are liable to die young.”  
Yet, this did not deter Useni Musa, a resident of the Federal Captial Territory (Abuja),  in Northcentral Nigeria, from trying out his first cigarette stick at  13. 
By the age of 19, he had become addicted, smoking an average of two packs a day.

Angola strengthens surveillance capacity in outbreak preparedness and response.

Mbanza-Congo, 3 June 2023: Over the past two years, Angola has seen significant improvements in the Health Information System, an essential mechanism for responding to public health emergencies and protecting the population.  However, several challenges still need to be addressed in the epidemiological surveillance and epidemic response system, particularly regarding the capacity for case detection, notification, and investigation.

Flattening the curve in Tanzania: WHO and AIRA train public health workers to fight ...

Dar es Salaam - As the World battled the COVID-19 pandemic, communities, individuals and institutions, and national health authorities contended with an overabundance of right and wrong information. This aggravated because of top-notch advancement in information technology.

WHO defines infodemic as an overabundance of accurate and inaccurate information during epidemics which many times led too confusion and ultimately mistrust in governments and public health response.