
Improving the quality health service delivery in Namibia

The Ministry of Health and Social Service (MoHSS), with support from the World Health Organization (WHO) and Centre for Disease Control (CDC), and other partners has developed and launched the Hospital Quality Standards (HQS) in 2021 and will conclude in 2024 with accreditation of the selected hospitals.

Botswana commemorates the World Malaria Day 2023

Ministry of Health together with WHO Botswana, commemorated World Malaria Day in Maun on the 12th of May. This event catered to a diverse audience, including local malaria survivors who have received life-saving malaria treatment. To mark this occasion, the event emphasized the need to bolster malaria response across the country, especially in malarious districts such as Bobirwa, Palapye, Mahalapye, and Okavango where cases of malaria continue to be reported. 

ECHO boosts WHO Response against COVID-19 Outbreak in Tanzania

To deliver on its core mandate as the UN lead agency for health, WHO plays essential roles in supporting countries to prepare for, respond to and recover from disease outbreaks and emergencies with public health consequences. This critical role was boosted recently with funding support from ECHO, which enabled WHO to reach more than 166,637 eligible persons with vaccination against COVID-19 in Arusha region of the United Republic of Tanzania significantly raising the Arusha regional coverage from 55% in June 2022 to 102% in January 2023.

Namibia is striving to make mobility safe and sustainable

Hon. John Mutorwa, Minister of Works and Transport launched the 7th UN Global Road Safety Week on Monday and relayed his message on sustainable mobility systems that caters for all road users including pedestrians and cyclists.

Southern and Eastern African countries form a network against Tuberculosis

Addis Ababa, May 12, 2023: Experts in the prevention and management of Tuberculosis (TB) and representatives of health ministries from 18 countries in southern and eastern Africa have established a new regional network.

The newly established "South and Eastern African Regional TB Network (SEARN-TB) aims to improve the coordination and harmonization of TB control strategies, focusing on encouraging implementation and operational research and the effective use of research outcomes to strengthen TB control throughout the region.