
WHO launches elaboration process for the Cooperation Strategy with Angola

Luanda, Angola, September 29th, 2021 - The World Health Organization (WHO) and its strategic partners launched today in Luanda, the process of drafting the WHO Cooperation Strategy with Angola for the period of 2022 to 2026, aimed at strengthening synergies and defining guidelines that will contribute to improving health in Angola.

Liberia Commemorates 3rd World Patient Safety Day

Held under the theme "Safe maternal and newborn care" with a campaign to “act now for safe and respectful childbirth” the Ministry of Health with support from WHO and other partners on 17th September 2021 joined the rest of the world to commemorate the 3rd World Patient Safety Day. 

WHO and Ministry of Health Discuss Programme Budget 2022-23

Following internal discussions and preparations, the WHO Country Office and the Ministry of Health held a fruitful meeting this morning to discuss and plan for the Pogramme Budget 2022-23.  The meeting was held at Ocean Bay Hotel and was attended by senior management and programme officers from both institutions.