
World Blood Donor Day- stakeholders advocate for more measures for safer blood donat...

 Abuja, 15 June 2020 - On June 14 2020, Nigeria commemorated the World Blood Day and stakeholders are asking for measures for the supply of safe blood, especially during emergencies and outbreaks such as COVID-19.

“We need the current blood safety bill which advocates for proper regulation of donated blood to be enacted by the legislators. Strong advocacy on a high level is also needed to see blood donation as an essential part of the health systems in Nigeria”, says Dr Omosigho Izedonmwen of National Blood Transfusion Service (NBTS) Abuja Center.

Update COVID-19 14 June 2020

14 June 2020 — Thirty-one (41) new COVID-19 cases were identified out of 3495 samples tested today. This brings the cumulative number of confirmed cases to five hundred and  eighty-two (582). To date, three hundred and thirty-two (332) patients have recovered and been discharged. The number of active cases is two hundred and forty-eight (248) and two (2) deaths.

Rusizi cluster continues to drive new cases; heightened vigilance is required everywhere.
 All active cases are in isolation in stable condition.  

Kasensero Presents yet Another Challenge to Uganda’s Public Health

Ms Sophia Tageya, a midwife at Masaka Regional Referral Hospital, is currently the team-lead of the COVID-19 response team at Kasensero landing site, located on the shores of Lake Victoria in Kyotera district, Southern Uganda.

The landing site is arched in the annals of public health history as the epitome of the  HIV/AIDS pandemic in Uganda. 

Proud to lead the 10 man team, Sophia says she has never been prouder to be a health worker than she is now, during the COVID-19 response.

Update COVID-19 13 June 2020

13 June 2020 — Thirty-one (31) new COVID-19 cases were identified out of 2043 samples tested today. This brings the cumulative number of confirmed cases to five hundred and forty-one (541). To date, three hundred and thirty-two (332) patients have recovered and been discharged, including eleven (11) in the past 24hrs. The number of active cases is two hundred and seven (207) and two (2) deaths.

Social stigma threatens COVID-19 response but patients heal faster with everyone’s s...

Abuja, 12 June 2020 - Fatima Mustapha a 25-year-old student from Kano state who recently recovered from COVID-19 in Abuja, the Federal Capital Territory (FCT) is facing serious challenges of stigma amongst her friends and even family. The emotional turmoil of this experience has made her become withdrawn, keeping to herself in her family house. She had looked forward to uniting with her friends and family members after her 14-day stay in the isolation center but alas, that was not to be. 

Update COVID-19 12 June 2020

12 June 2020 — Sixteen (16) new COVID-19 cases were identified out of 1584 samples tested today. This brings the cumulative number of confirmed cases to five hundred and ten (510). To date, three hundred and twenty-one (321) patients have recovered and been discharged, including eight (8) in the past 24hrs. The number of active cases is a hundred and eighty-seven (187) and two (2) deaths.

The new cases are related to the Rusizi cluster and repatriated Rwandans, and have been isolated and contacts traced.
 All active cases are in isolation in stable condition.  

Update COVID-19 11 June 2020

11 June 2020 — Eighteen (18) new COVID-19 cases were identified out of 1790 samples tested today. This brings the cumulative number of confirmed cases to four hundred and ninety-four (494). To date, three hundred and thirteen (313) patients have recovered and been discharged, including six (6) in the past 24hrs. The number of active cases is a hundred and seventy-nine (179) and two (2) deaths.

The new cases are related to the Rusizi cluster and repatriated Rwandans, and have been isolated and contacts traced.
 All active cases are in isolation in stable condition.  

Africa records over 200 000 COVID-19 cases

COVID-19 continues to spread in Africa since the virus was first detected on the continent in mid-February 2020. More than 200 000 cases have been confirmed so far, with over 5600 deaths. The pandemic is accelerating – it took 98 days to reach 100 000 cases and only 19 days to move to 200 000 cases.

Update COVID-19 10 June 2020

10 June 2020 — Thirteen (13) new COVID-19 cases were identified out of 2110 samples tested today. This brings the cumulative number of confirmed cases to four hundred and seventy-six (476). To date, three hundred and seven (307) patients have recovered and been discharged, including seven (7) in the past 24hrs. The number of active cases is a hundred and sixty-seven (167) and two (2) deaths.

The new cases are related to the Rusizi and Rusumo clusters, and have been isolated and contacts traced.
 All active cases are in isolation in stable condition.