
Experts caution Nigerians against indiscriminate use of antibiotics to reduce future...

Abuja, 22 November 2021 - The World Health Organization is supporting the Federal Government in raising awareness among health workers and Nigerians on the need for caution on antibiotics use to prevent a future public health emergency. 

Across the world, experts have been warning for years that antibiotic resistance could be one of the biggest threats to humanity, and Nigeria is not left out as WHO describes it as one of the biggest threats to global health, food security, and development today.

South Sudan: Ministry of Health with support from WHO strengthens Ebola Virus Diseas...

To strengthen the capacities to detect, investigate and respond to suspected Ebola Virus Disease (EVD), WHO supported the Ministry of Health to deploy a multidisciplinary team of epidemiologists, clinicians and infection prevention and control (IPC) officers, and risk communication experts to Morobo and Yei River counties of Central Equatoria State to strengthen coordination, surveillance, IPC, and risk communication activities for prevention, detection, investigation and response to a threat of cross-border spread of the EVD outbreak.

Striving for safer roads in Senegal

The 69-year-old father was travelling from Dakar, Senegal’s capital, to neighbouring Mauritania with four of his children for Eid al-Fitr, his eldest son at the wheel. But about 90 km outside the capital, his son suddenly lost control of the vehicle, crashing into a tree. “I blacked out,” Dieng recalls, “and woke up in the hospital.” When he inquired about his four children, he received tragic news: they had all been killed on impact. “It’s been 10 years,” he says. “But it feels like yesterday.”

Helping diabetic patients live positively

Volunteers and staff at the Ethiopian Diabetes Association educate patients and their families on the management of diabetes, including demonstrations on how to correctly inject insulin and measure blood glucose, maintain a healthy diet and avoid complications. They also provide crucial emotional and psychosocial support. The Ethiopian Diabetes Association holds annual forums around World Diabetes Day in collaboration with the Ministry of Health and other partners. It also organizes sessions and produces materials for frontline workers, patients and their families on counseling, nutrition, and diabetic footcare following WHO guidelines.