
Update COVID-19 27 January 2021

27 January 2021 — Two hundred, and eighty-one (281) new COVID-19 cases were identified out of 4156 samples tested today. This brings the cumulative number of confirmed cases fourteen thousand, one hundred, and sixty-six (14166). To date, nine thousand, and forty-two (9042) patients have recovered, including one hundred, and eighty-one (181) in the past 24 hours. The number of active cases is four thousand, nine hundred, and forty-one (4941) and one hundred, and eighty-three (183) deaths.

Update COVID-19 26 January 2021

26 January 2021 — Five hundred, and seventy-four (574) new COVID-19 cases were identified out of 10407 samples tested today. This brings the cumulative number of confirmed cases thirteen thousand, eight hundred, and eighty-five (13885). To date, eight thousand, eight hundred, and sixty-one (8861) patients have recovered, including one hundred, and eighty (180) in the past 24 hours. The number of active cases is four thousand, eight hundred, and forty-three (4843) and one hundred, and eighty-one (181) deaths.

How Mauritius is tackling NCD risk factors in the context of COVID-19?

The Republic of Mauritius is an island state in the Indian ocean with a population in 2019 of over 1.2 million . Mauritius is a highly acclaimed tourist destination with over 1.3 million tourists recorded that same year. The island records a high population density of 626 people per Km2 and the highest proportion of elderly (population aged 65+) in sub Saharan Africa, whom accounts for 12% of the population in 2019, on a continent where average is 3%.This combined with a high prevalence of Non Communicable Diseases (NCDs) , Mauritius was considered among the countries in the African Region the most at risk of a public health disaster due to COVID-19 . Indeed, COVID-19 is an infectious disease caused by the virus SARS-COV2 which affects all populations but more severely the elderly and people living with NCDs, causing increased mortality in these populations . A year into the pandemic, Mauritius is defeating pessimistic prognosis and the handling of the pandemic is lauded by the international community . The outbreak was contained on the 26 April 2020 after 39 days with no locally transmitted cases, however in November 2020 two other community cases were reported. Since 26 November 2020, only imported cases are reported in the island.

Update COVID-19 25 January 2021

25 January 2021 — Three hundred, and thirty-six (336) new COVID-19 cases were identified out of 7867 samples tested today. This brings the cumulative number of confirmed cases thirteen thousand, three hundred, and eleven (13311). To date, eight thousand, six hundred, and eighty-one (8681) patients have recovered, including two hundred, and sixty-one (261) in the past 24 hours. The number of active cases is four thousand, four hundred, and fifty-three (4453) and one hundred, and seventy-seven (177) deaths.

Empowering Laboratory Professionals on Quality Management Systems during the Trainin...

Thirty-two laboratory professionals responsible in the establishment and implementation of Quality Management System (QMS) have been trained during a five-day training workshop prior to the implementation of the Laboratory Quality Management System (LQMS) in Mauritius. The training of trainers aimed at building capacity of diagnostics laboratories and improve quality diagnostic service in the country. The training was conducted by the Ministry of Health and Wellness in close collaboration with the World Health Organization. The training of trainers, held virtually due to COVID-19 pandemic, was facilitated by three consultants who shared knowledge and skills on the 18 Laboratory Quality Management System (LQMS) using teach back methodology via the Zoom platform. The trainees were teamed up into groups to practice during the break-up sessions under the virtual guidance and instruction of the facilitators. The WHO country office provided the training logistics and hosted the virtual training via Zoom Platform.

Update COVID-19 24 January 2021

24 January 2021 — Three hundred, and twenty-eight (328) new COVID-19 cases were identified out of 8293 samples tested today. This brings the cumulative number of confirmed cases twelve thousand, nine hundred, and seventy-five (12975). To date, eight thousand, four hundred, and twenty (8420) patients have recovered, including one hundred, and one (101) in the past 24 hours. The number of active cases is four thousand, three hundred, and eighty-one (4381) and one hundred, and seventy-four (174) deaths.

Update COVID-19 23 January 2021

23 January 2021 — Two hundred, and four (204) new COVID-19 cases were identified out of 4715 samples tested today. This brings the cumulative number of confirmed cases twelve thousand, six hundred and forty-seven (12647). To date, eight thousand, three hundred, and nineteen (8319) patients have recovered, including one hundred, and thirty-five (135) in the past 24 hours. The number of active cases is four thousand, one hundred, and fifty-six (4156) and one hundred, and seventy-two (172) deaths.

Update COVID-19 21 January 2021

21 January 2021 — Three hundred, and eleven (311) new COVID-19 cases were identified out of 4359 samples tested today. This brings the cumulative number of confirmed cases twelve thousand, one hundred and seventy (12170). To date, seven thousand, nine hundred, and seventy-three (7973) patients have recovered, including one hundred, and sixty-one (161) in the past 24 hours. The number of active cases is four thousand, and thirty-five (4035) and one hundred, and sixty-two (162) deaths.

Update COVID-19 22 January 2021

22 January 2021 — Two hundred, and seventy-three (273) new COVID-19 cases were identified out of 4857 samples tested today. This brings the cumulative number of confirmed cases twelve thousand, four hundred and forty-three (12443). To date, eight thousand, one hundred, and eighty-four (8184) patients have recovered, including two hundred, and eleven (211) in the past 24 hours. The number of active cases is four thousand, and ninety-four (4094) and one hundred, and fifty-five (165) deaths. The 3 new deaths are male of 81, 77 and 52 years old in Kigali.